Friday, June 6, 2008

Vendors and professionals - Are you just another face in the crowd?

When you have a management company between you and your clients it is easy to let them make all of the contacts. This may be easier but is it the best course of action?

When money is tight, people start shopping for a better price,. When your competition is knocking on doors do you want to be just another face in the crowd?

If you have not made contact with the people who are actually paying your bills, it is difficult at best for your clients to separate you from the next guy who is probably looking to cut your price and cut you out...

Turn this around and let your clients know who you are, what you do, and how your service is better than your competition.

Here are a few ways to connect with your clients:
  • Offer to attend a board meeting once or twice a year.
  • Send out newsletters to the board of directors even if it is once a quarter.
  • Host special events like meet and greets in your office or common location.
These days everyone is talking about "branding". You most certainly want to be someone that your associations connect with to help curb "best offer" transitions.

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