Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It is good to be King!

Have you run into the situation where a unit feels that the rules were put in place for everyone except them? A recent complaint about one unit, who is less than cooperative with their neighbors, reminded me of this story which also applied to them.

Several years back a unit owner started complaining about neighbors claiming that a few had 3 or more vehicles and they could not park in a reasonable distance to their unit. At the time we did not have a very clear parking policy other than our not allowing stored vehicles. This unit continued to complain and even organized other neighbors to the point that we were receiving regular complaints about units with 3, 4 and 5 cars.

The board did extensive work on the project, marking resident and visitor parking, establishing rules limiting parking to two vehicles as they requested and designated visitor parking for the remaining open spaces which were less convenient to units. We went as far as to issue parking tags so we could easily identify residents from non-residents.

Figuring that we had finally resolved this issue in the complex I approached the unit owner and let him know that the board had just passed the new rules and everyone would be limited to only two vehicles and the remainder would have to move to remote areas and use visitor parking or park on the street.

His response was “How is that going to help me?” I said “Sir we established rules and guidelines so when your neighbors with 3 or more cars park in front of your building we will be able to fine them or tow them to open up parking. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

He replied “That is not going to help me, I have 3 vehicles.”

True story...

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